Ian Piper

Ian Piper (27)

Unpacking SHACL

An abundance of acronyms Semantic technologies seem to suffer more than most from galloping acronymitis; the tendency to come up with the most tortured, obscure…

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How to make a shared secret

Dear bank; let's share a secret I have had running battles about security with banks over decades; more or less ever since they started offering…

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Taxonomies and ontologies explained

This webinar (featuring Andreas Blumauer, CEO of Semantic Web Company and Ian Piper of Tellura) explores both taxonomies and ontologies, and demonstrates how they work together to help you improve your…

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Contact us

Getting in touch It couldn't be simpler. Use this form to add your name and email address, and we'll be in touch soon. If you…

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Why things work better than strings

Human beings are natural organisers; we spend our entire lives classifying things, grouping and ordering things and comparing and contrasting things with other things. It's…

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